Monday, May 9, 2011

Jesus is Done with Me!

To most people who are waiting for Jesus to do something in their lives (heal them, deliver them from a bad situation, give them finances they need) it would be sad news to hear that Jesus is done with them.  To me, it is what gives me the greatest hope!  

It is still sinking in that when Jesus said, "It is finished", He meant it.  He really is done with me--and mankind.  I know that sounds harsh--but actually, like so many Biblical truths, it isn't what it first seems.  It's only finished because He did all He will ever need to do to restore my relationship with my Father, God.  His sinless sacrifice of Himself satisfies God forever as the atonement for all sin I have committed in the past, commit right now, or will commit in the future.  I don't know how, but when God looks at me, He sees me through the righteousness of Jesus.  That righteousness is a gift to me, unearned, undeserved, but still mine.  Not only that, but everything that makes life happy and good--health, wealth, peace, joy, and all other good things--are mine, too, because of Jesus.  

My response to this is to love God, love Him fully and passionately!  (I love Him because He first loved me!)  I want to give back to Him in whatever way(s) that I can, to honor Him with my life and my heart.

Yes, Jesus is done with me.  He is not "going" to heal me, He is not "going" to bless me--He's already done that, praise Him now and forever!!!  I--yes I, imperfect, failing, temptable Jan--can stand before God at any moment of any day or night and know I am loved and accepted to the utmost!  I can receive the benefits of this salvation by faith whenever I choose to, without having to wait for Him to act.

If that isn't a reason to be happy and satisfied to the depths of my soul, I do not know what is.  Thank You, my dear, dear Jesus, thank You!  I love You so much!

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