Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Baby by Faith

Immediately after becoming born-again believers in Christ, my husband and I wanted to conceive a child.  5 years later, after many physical tests (each one worse than the one before), after most of my friends and my sister conceived with no problems, after experiencing the monthly roller coaster of building hopes and dashed dreams, and after being offered a child for adoption, which we refused, hoping and believing we would still be able to somehow conceive our own, it seemed we were likely destined to be childless.

Someone had given me a cassette tape entitled "A Baby by Faith from God", which described one woman's dogged determination to believe God's word in spite of all odds.  Several people in my church had given me baby things, like a cradle and a pair of bootie shoes, and I wondered if this was God, giving me hope.  A friend in my church, who was also barren, believed God told her to wear maternity clothes to show her faith, and she ended up conceiving and having a little girl.  

Once my friend conceived her baby, I knew that if she could do it, so could I.  I began reading every Christian healing book I could get my hands on, including books by John Osteen, Kenneth Hagin, T. L. Osborn and others.  Kenneth Hagin's book Bible Faith Study Course, given to me by a neighbor, was particularly inspiring and helpful.  I began to feel faith grow a little bit.

I searched the Word,  and God gave me various scriptures on topics like Faith, Maintaining Victory, The Reward of Patience, The Character of God, Reasons Why I Can Expect Healing, and Conceiving Children.  I typed them, printed them, and cut them to fit a spiral-bound 3x5 index card holder which I carried with me everywhere. (I found them so valuable that I still use the scripture pack to this day.)   I also taped all of the scriptures onto cassette tapes (no CDs or MP3 players back then) and kept a copy at home and in my car, so that I could listen to them constantly.  I either read through or listened to the Bible verses as many times as I possibly could (I was working, teaching school at the time).  I also kept reading books on healing.  I was getting bold in my believing, and my hope for a child was increasing.

One day during summer vacation from teaching school (July), I was vacuuming my bedroom, not thinking about God at all, when I heard His voice say loudly and clearly (inside me?), "I have given you the faith to believe for a baby."  So sure was I that I had heard God that I shut off the vacuum sweeper and sat down on my bed.  Shaking, I said to God, "Okay...well...what should I do?"  He said, "I want you to wear maternity clothes."  

To that, I immediately said "No!"  I got up off my bed and stomped up and back down our long hallway, "No, no, NO!"  Returning to the bedroom and sitting on the bed again I said, "I do NOT want to do what my friend did, just copying her."  Then, after a few minutes, "God, if this is truly You, I want you to give me a good reason for wearing the maternity clothes."

In an instant, with no hesitation, He replied, "I'll give you TWO reasons.  First, it will make you stand up before all men for what you believe.  Second, it will remind you daily that I am giving you a baby!"

That's all I needed.  I went to my closet.  My younger sister, who had just had a baby a short time before, had given me all of her maternity clothes when we were visiting her the week before.  She had said at the time, "I don't know why I'm giving you these.  I just believe you're going to need them."  I had taken them and hung them in my closet.  So, when God instructed me, I took out a maternity top and put it on.

At the time I was maybe at best 105 pounds, with no belly whatsoever.  We had just moved into this house the month before, and I had been invited to an outdoor "Tupperware" party, given by my next door neighbor, for that afternoon.  Immediately I began worrying what I would say, if anybody questioned my maternity shirt.  (In those days, they were loose and flowing, not tight like they are today.)  I never did figure out what I would say.  I went to the party, but by the grace of God, no one questioned me.  I remember being SO relieved!

That summer went by.  My parents took me out to a restaurant for coffee one evening and my mother proceeded to accuse me that I was crazy, to tell me that I was a shame to the family, etc., etc.  I really couldn't blame her, because I knew she didn't understand faith, but I told her I was not crazy, that I was obeying God, and that God told me I would be pregnant within 6 months.  I told her I trusted that, and I was going to do what He said.  In the meantime, I kept reading His promises and rejoicing in them.

September came, and it was time for me to return to teach school.  Everyone at school knew how much I wanted a baby.  When I showed up in maternity clothes, there were lots of questions.  People wanted to know if I was pregnant.  I told them, "No, but God told me to wear maternity clothes by faith according to Mark 11:24 (believe you receive and you'll have) until I got pregnant.  He told me if I would obey Him, I would conceive a child.  I believe Him."  Still, there were people who made fun of me and talked behind my back.  My principal called me into his office and asked the same question, along with what I would say to parents if they asked me what was going on.  I told him I would tell them just what I told him--the truth.  I really thought he would call the men in white jackets to come and get me but he said, "Well, more power to you."  And he let me go.

September, October, November, and December came and went.  My husband even said at one point, "I don't know, but maybe you should give this up."  By that time, I was so convinced that I told him I would never give up, ever!  

January came and I was late for my period.  I knew, knew, knew I was pregnant!  The home pregnancy tests at that time were not instant--you had to wait, I think it was an hour, before anything would show.  But the test was definitely positive.  

When we joyfully went to share with my parents the good news, my mom said, "Well, I hope so," and she left the room.  I guess I can't blame her.  She only believed when she saw my pregnant belly, months later.  

When I showed up at school (work) not wearing a maternity top, my friend and fellow teammate said to me, "I thought God told you you had to wear maternity clothes until you were pregnant."
I said, "Yes, that's true."  It took a few seconds, but then her eyes got big and she practically screamed, "You're pregnant?!!!?"  We laughed and danced and spread the news!

Later, after I had birthed my beautiful daughter Andrea, I brought my baby to my school.  One of the teachers who had teased and made fun of me asked if she could hold the baby.  She took Andrea in her arms and asked me, "What did you name her?"  I told her, "Andrea Michelle, which means 'womanly, in the image of God'. "  This teacher said, "If EVER a baby should have been named 'Faith'!"... 

God is so good.  He blessed us with three more babies after Andrea, plus a conviction that His Word works!   I am so thankful for His goodness and grace.  I love being a mother, and I love knowing that faith in God works!  

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